Support for your well-being journey


Nilaya Care offers an app, coaches, supplements and testing to help us develop the wellness habits we are striving to attain.

Each journey is unique

We understand this and have designed Nilaya Care to provide customized support to help you along the way

  • Non-GMO
  • Fillers free
  • Sugar free

Personalized supplements

Our team has assembled a selection of supplements that are available to you for individual purchase or subscription. Take our simple survey for general recommendations that may work for you or simply choose your own selection based on your own experince.

You are in control.

Vitamin level testing Phone

Vitamin level testing

For those of you looking for a deeper understanding of your viatmin levels, we offer testing for purchase via at home blood test kits or in labs.

The results of these tests will be provided to you to further inform your decisions along your journey.

Anna Shvets

Wellness coach

Never go through this journey alone. We offer industry experts to guide you through the ups and downs of making a big life change.

Our specialists range from dieticians to holistic healers, and are available to you in your pocket.

Wellness resource at hand

The Nilaya Care app covers the core offerings plus additional resources to support you as you work to build healthy habits to enhance your well-being.

  • Nutrion oval
    nutrion icon


    Detailed meal plan with recipes tailored to your needs and goals by professional nutritionists

  • Movement oval
    movement icon


    Exercise and stretching recommendations

  • Healthy habits oval
    healthy habits icon

    Healthy habits

    Reminders and scheduler to help you reach your goals

  • Mindfullness oval


    Guided exercises that promote mindfullness and well-being

  • Community oval


    Be a part of a community. Support others on their quest for well-being

Create the future of well-being support with us

We are looking for partners, join us on our journey to support our customers with thiers